Debbie Guallco #Bras on Parade

Debbie Guallco #Bras on Parade
Value$1200 Low bid $600

Shiela Jacobs #83 Contimplative Moment

Shiela Jacobs #83 Contimplative Moment
Value $300 Low Bid $150


All area artists were invited to participate and create a special piece of art to be displayed in September of 2010. Using the bra as a symbol, they sculpted, painted, stitched and embellished. Remember that breast cancer touches all of us.

Proceeds from this show will be divided between Women’s Wisdom Art, a program of Sacramento food Bank & Family Services and Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation.

For more information please contact Helen Plenert at (916) 313-7651 or

Erin Wells - 2. Twin Engin Bombers

Erin Wells - 2. Twin Engin Bombers
Value-$200. low bid -$100

Marleen Osuna -8. Loss

Marleen Osuna  -8. Loss
Value $150. Low Bid $75.

Kara Schunk 13.Mother Nature

Kara Schunk  13.Mother Nature
Value $150 Low Bid $75

Margot Commer #65 Manet with a twist

Margot Commer #65 Manet with a twist
Value$400 Low Bid $200

Shirley Geddis 30.My Cup Size T

Shirley Geddis  30.My Cup Size T
Value $100 L:ow Bid $50

Sylvia Conable 12.Sugar Nips

Sylvia Conable    12.Sugar Nips
Value$100 Low Bid $50

Cherrie Martinson -5.Life's Vitality

Cherrie Martinson -5.Life's Vitality
Value $100 Low Bid $50.

Kanika Marshal 34.Zenobia Spice

Kanika Marshal  34.Zenobia Spice
Value$750 Low Bid $375

Margaret Platta 23.Twin Peaks

Margaret Platta   23.Twin Peaks
Value $75 Low Bid $40
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